Lebesgue measure and integral: The L1(A) space. Convergence calculations and theorems. Measure and integral on Rd. Fubini Theorem. The Lp(A)
Trigonometric polynomials.
Fourier coefficients of an integrable function and Fourier series. Fourier Series examples. Absolutely converging trigonometric series. Fourier factor size and function smoothness.
Pointwise convergence of partial sums of the Fourier series. Principle of locality. Conditions that guarantee convergence of points.
Summability of Fourier series. Uniqueness theorem. Linear and Circular Convolution. Dirichlet kernel. Cesáro means of the Fourier series and Fejér’s theorem. Weierstrass Theorem.
L2 Theory
Applications: The isoperimetric inequality. Weyl’s equidistribution theorem.
Fourier Analysis : An Introduction , E.Stein , R.Shakarchi , Princeton Lectures in Analysis.
Fourier Analysis and its Applications , G.Folland , Brooks/Cole Publishing 1992.