Rings and ring characteristic, quotient field. Maximal ideals, prime ideals and quotient rings.
Univariate polynomial rings and their ideals, division. Irreducible polynomials over Z and Q and Gauss’s lemma. Polynomial irreducibility criteria.
Fields and field extensions, algebraic numbers. Rule and compass contructions.
The Galois group of an extension, polynomial splitting field. Finite extensions of fields and their isomorphisms. The fundamental theorem of Galois theory.
Finite fields and their extensions, cyclotomic poylnomials.
Solvable groups, solvability criterion, the generic equation of degree >4 is not solvable by radicals.
Simple extensions and characterstic.
Applications: Solutions of equations of degree < 5 with radicals, discriminant. Generic n-degree polynomial. Regular Polygons. The fundamental theorem of Algebra
J. Rotman. Galois Theory. Springer, 2012.
Fraleigh, N. Brand. A first course in abstract algebra, 8th edition. Pearson 2020.